At The Physics Lab (a subsidiary of ECUBE Science & Math Lab), we see Physics as a very “alive, meaningful and dynamic” subject! And teaching Physics concepts is not about “reading” through slides! Learning is not completed just by “clicking” slides or “googling” for answers!
There’s hope! As exemplary & award-winning former MOE teachers & JC lecturers, we understand the importance of engaging our students – to help them see the relevance of Physics in everyday applications, beside helping them achieve better grades. Demo & experiments are often utilised to reinforce difficult & abstract concepts, and to foster a deeper interest in the Science.
Being confident of our lesson delivery, approach and learning resources, we strongly encourage students to take our “1st Trial Lesson FREE” challenge*. We strongly believe that your child will be able to discern and decide if we are competent to help them towards academic excellence in Physics. (*trial lesson is FREE if a student did not wish to continue after the trial lesson)
we infused brain-based learning & accelerated learning, and employed strategies such as memories techniques & hands-on activities, to help students anchor important formulae and key concepts and remember them for a much longer time!
Take out our free Trail Challenge “Trial is free if a student did not continue after lesson (for existing classes)
Weekly Classes (Teach-in-Advance Approach + Consolidation/Revision before key assessments
School Holiday Classes (Intensive Revision/ Head-start Learning )
Customized Group Tuition: The new wave in tuition in which we customize a tuition class for your child’s School
Grade Enhancer Programmer: An Adhoc, Just-in-time 1-1 or small group tuition support for test/exam preparation, etc.